Business Research Bureau
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Sales Lead Categories

Tenant Categories 1-6

Construction Categories 7-10

Every Business Day
BRB Publishes Sales Leads in 10 Categories

#1 - New Business
Reports on new businesses or businesses new to the Metro area which plan to open or have opened within the last two weeks. Excludes food & drink type establishments (see Category 5).

#2 - New Locations
Reports on established businesses which plan to move or have moved within the last two weeks from one location to another within the Metro area. Excludes food & drink establishments (see Category 5).

#3 - New Branches/Expansions/Remodels
Reports on established businesses planning to acquire or having acquired within the last two weeks additional space at their present facility or at another Metro location. Excludes food & drink type establishments (see Category 5).

#4 - Changes Of Ownership/Leadership
Reports on established businesses which plan to be or have been purchased or have new leadership assigned within the last month by an individual or company. Excludes food & drink type establishments (see Category 5).

#5 - Food And Drink Establishments
Reports on all changes affecting bar, restaurant, liquor, grocery or other retail food & beverage businesses.

#6 - Bid Requests For Supplies, Services And Equipment
Reports on government or institutional entities (i.e. Federal, state, municipal government, hospital/medical, education, religious or nonprofit organizations) who have requested bids for supplies, services or equipment.

#7 - Construction Proposed - Office/Residential
Reports on proposed new construction, renovation, expansion or casualty repair for an office, warehouse, manufacturing plant, private school, hospital, church, multi-family housing/condo, retirement center or nursing care facility.

#8 - Construction Proposed – Retail
Reports on proposed new construction, renovation, expansion or casualty repair for a retail or retail service project.

#9 - Construction Proposed - Government
Reports on proposed new construction, renovation, expansion or casualty repair for a Federal, state, municipal government or public school project.

#10 - Construction Underway
Reports and updates on construction projects currently underway.


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