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Why Subscribe?

    1. To Gain Clients.

    2. To Retain Clients.

Companies use BRB for Several Reasons:

Some are Aggravated.
They find themselves spending Major Time Prospecting, but getting Minor Results.

Others are Frustrated.
They have a Prospecting System, but it's not bringing the results they need, and they're looking for something that works.

If either of the above are critical issues for you, we might be able to help.

Boost Your Sales
with   Change Mode Prospecting

For over 50 years, Business Research Bureau has provided subscribers with research that helps them find prospects and clients who are in the change mode.

Research Shows:
Most companies are resistant to change. Even if they're using a vendor not delivering good value, it's easier to maintain the present state. They're usually too busy working in their business to be working on their business.

The Exception to this is when their business is changing in major ways.
Changes like: new business, change of ownership, expansion, new location, construction.

When those major changes occur, someone usually gets in the change mode and says, "I'm going to look at everything. I'm going to look at products, services, and vendors I'm using now, and I'm going to look at things I never thought of before."

The change mode is the 'Sweet Spot' for gaining business - and the 'Risk Spot' for losing business.

Research Also Shows:
1. People are far more likely to switch suppliers when their business is changing.
2. It is considerably easier, and far less expensive to save a present client vs. the costs of selling a new one.
3. Statistically, a saved account remains a client longer than a newly acquired account.

When change mode occurs:  Be Close to Prospects - And Closer to Clients!

Our subscribers receive this activity-researched information Every Business Day.

Our research staff gathers information about business changes that are planned and underway throughout the metro area. We focus on business startups and moves, companies expanding and opening new branches, changes in ownership & key personnel and construction projects and bid requests.

We ensure that the sale leads we provide are current, accurate, and comprehensive. Each day, we investigate and collect information about business changes. Every piece of data is then verified through personal contact. In addition to typical prospecting list information, our sales leads contain other valuable data including a description of the business, its square footage, the number of employees, and more.

Sales leads are divided into 10 categories so we can tailor a program to provide you with the most appropriate sales leads for your offerings.


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